Get In Touch 175 Jardin Dr., Unit 6 Concord, ON L4K 1X5, Canada Ph: 416.400.4335
It’s been a while since we launched our first concept of Smart Face Mask (a.k.a Glask). Like any other product, it requires lots of design improvements. Thanks to our Advanced Polyjet 3D Printer (Stratasys J750) we get to know the errors and how to improve them faster than ever. here we are going to talk about Glask Design Improvements.
This 3D Design you are looking at took me 3 weeks, 24/7 with no stops at all. I had to redesign it for 6 times since last time you see my first concept.
Each time we took a shot, we realized this is NOT gonna be the product that it has to be. But now, it’s in the line to become the first actual prototype of the Glask.
Glask is an innovative Smart Mask for long run use. It is reusable, functional for 90% of the occasions, it’s reliable, sustainable, and keeps our environment and ecosystem safer like never before!
3DMan is your additive manufacturing production center from 1-1k parts. With 30+ materials for any application, you’ll get the parts you need in just a few clicks.